Ailleron Group provides extensive and adaptable IT services to the financial sector, assisting hundreds of clients across 40 countries worldwide. With 80% of its revenue coming from foreign markets, Ailleron places great importance on developing business and technology partnerships and collaborating closely with international organizations such as German BDL. It fuels dynamic growth for both parties.

The Federal Association of German Leasing Companies (Der Bundesverband Deutscher Leasing-Unternehmen – BDL) welcomed us into its ranks this August! Our new partner brings together about 140 leasing companies, representing nearly 85% of all leasing transactions in Germany. The annual value of recent transactions is about €70 billion (2022), and the German market accounts for nearly 20% of all such transactions in Europe.

The partnership between Ailleron (an associate member) and BDL holds great promise for the global leasing industry. It heralds a new quality of service and the implementation of innovative solutions for leasing entrepreneurs and their customers in Germany. Ailleron has three key objectives for this partnership with BDL:

  • Firstly, to better understand the German leasing market through direct discussions with BDL members.
  • Secondly, to identify the challenges faced by German leasing companies and their customers, who are primarily German businesses and consumers.
  • Finally, to support the Association and its members in digital transformation efforts and encourage best practices in leasing digitization.

– Joining as an associate member of another federal association, crucial in the global leasing market, is a great honor and a source of pride for us. We look forward to joint events and business meetings with great enthusiasm. We have been helping leasing companies and organizations in their digital transformation since 2008, and we know what solutions will be most effective in specific cases or situations. Working with partners such as the Association of Polish Leasing (ZPL) and the Austrian Association of Leasing Companies (VÖL), as well as clients like Santander Leasing, Raiffeisen Leasing, Credit Agricole and BNP Paribas, allows us to develop know-how continuously and reaffirms our belief that we can meet any challenge of the dynamic financial industry. – says Kamil Portka – General Manager of LeaseTech Ailleron.

The cooperation with BDL has a very high potential for the entire Ailleron Group. In the German market, 23% of equipment investments are financed through leasing. In the ranking of European markets, Germany is at the forefront. Moreover, at a time when financial services labor market activity has declined in the first half of 2023, Germany and Poland are the only developed banking markets to see an increase in financial services sector job postings (according to GlobalData service:

Ailleron offers comprehensive support as part of the digital acceleration of the rapidly growing leasing industry. With a rich set of services and technological solutions and extensive experience in financial software development, we are a trusted partner in this area. This is confirmed by the previously mentioned agreements with the Association of Polish Leasing and its Austrian counterpart – VOL.


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The Ailleron Innovation Forum energized top executives with new insights and vivid expertise

The Ailleron Innovation Forum, which brought together nearly 100 curious minds in Krakow, answered many questions. The event took place in the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technique, where AIF attendees and our technology partners delved into five thematic streams related to the digital future of the financial industry in 2023 and beyond.

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