The increasing prominence of issues and processes related to AI in finance and the emphasis on automation and personalization (when it comes to financial development services and leasing management solutions) are currently linked to their thorough selection process. In this regard, artificial intelligence and a well-constructed prompt 😉 or an AI conference such as the Ailleron Innovation Forum can assist us in making informed decisions. Following the success of the first edition of #AIF, the decision regarding the source of your inspiration will be straightforward, especially given the noticeable enthusiasm surrounding the September meeting among our partners.

Ailleron Innovation Forum stays ahead of trends and charms passionate experts

The second edition of the Ailleron Innovation Forum (#AIF24) is scheduled for 11-12/09/2024 in Cracow, Poland. Among other topics, we will discuss AI banking, data analytics, generative AI services, open-source software, process automation, and broadly improving customer experience in the banking, finance and leasing industries.

Recent industry reports make these topics particularly timely. Gartner’s recent research within the financial sector shows that the trend and choice of open-source solutions to increase flexibility and reduce operating costs are becoming more pronounced. The same is true of the growing interest in applying AI and automation to digital banking.

We organized the first #AIF meeting at the vivid Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology, taking care of the creative space for the participants. Presentations and panel discussions then focused on digital banking trends, implementing innovative solutions in the financial industry and top technologies shaping the financial world. You can look at some of them on our YT playlist, which includes a selection of presentations, panels, and statements from participants of the first edition. This year, we are staying in the same proven venue and benefiting from the know-how and experience of the first edition.

AIF23 – the impact of AI on finance

The Ailleron Innovation Forum 2023 brought together nearly 100 experts and financial industry professionals from different countries. Thanks to the involvement of our business partners, we were able to benefit from the knowledge and experience of not only #AilleronExperts, but also 11 external industry experts, 3 technology partners: MongoDB and Google Cloud Poland and OChK, and get inspired by 11 specific presentations and a UX workshop. We answered many business questions and concerns together, anticipating the innovative processes and activities that now take place in our industry globally.

Speakers then delved into five thematic blocks: innovation blast, to the cloud, all about the data, sales boost and customer centricity, inspiring meeting attendees for changes related to the digital future of the corporate and financial services sector. Even then, we knew that AI, machine learning, and process automation technologies were not just the future – they were already our reality. You can read more about the previous edition of our unique event here.

AIF24 – the AI revolution

This year, the trends will chase us 😉 The goal of the second edition of #AIF, our top innovation forum, is to initiate valuable business and technology partnerships and discover new opportunities through innovative technology solutions and out-of-the-box approaches to leasing online and financial software development.

Based on Forrester and Gartner reports, we will talk about digital transformation and initiating tomorrow’s technological landscape. We will share the experiences of leading banks and other financial and leasing institutions, presenting the latest technologies that guarantee growth and efficiency in your organization. We will focus on shaping the strategic direction of your organization in the era of the AI revolution, the availability of technology solutions in an open-source model, and improving customer experience in the banking, leasing, and financial industries.

Coming soon…

Last year, we succeeded in creating a unique event. The #AIF brings together banks, leasing companies, and other financial institutions, partners, industry-leading experts, and analysts while creating comfortable networking opportunities with professionals from all over Europe. Our technology conference is exquisitely tailored for financial sector executives interested in innovation in the industry.

The Ailleron Innovation Forum 2024 is open to registered guests only. More information and a registration form can be found on our event landing page. Stay tuned!


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The Ailleron Innovation Forum energized top executives with new insights and vivid expertise

The Ailleron Innovation Forum, which brought together nearly 100 curious minds in Krakow, answered many questions. The event took place in the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technique, where AIF attendees and our technology partners delved into five thematic streams related to the digital future of the financial industry in 2023 and beyond.

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