Once again, we will participate in the event organized by GSMA – this time WAS#8 that will discuss topics in the fields of roaming wholesale agreements, as well as telecommunications solutions that increase revenues of mobile operators all over the world.
Last WAS#7 took place in Dubai, now it’s time for WAS#8 in Rovinj, where we will answer all questions related to our flagship product – Steering of Roaming, that offers telecommunications operators the most accurate (95-99%) steering on the market!
Ailleron is called a long-awaited challenger for the two main players on the global market, so our experts will also show you the three most important competitive advantages of our comprehensive platform – Steering of Roaming.
We hope you have booked this date and meet us for a handshake and brief conversation. For more information and to make an appointment, click here.
See you at WAS#8!