Customer Portal was very well received among the customers of the leasing company, and the number of logged customers grows day by day. Introduced solutions perfectly fit into the needs of the market during the pandemic in which we have to learn to operate.
The introduction of the Customer Portal in BNP Paribas Leasing Services was, above all, a common effort of implementation teams on both sides of the contract. Huge determination, motivation and faith in the meaning of creation and implementation of this solution made it possible for it to receive positive feedback since the day of Portal’s release.
When handed to a selected group of trusted users, the Portal turned out to be an intuitive tool after just a short test period. It is also extraordinarily useful, especially in terms of providing the customers with services that, until recently, required direct contact with an employee of a leasing company. Among the main advantages of the platform mentioned by the customers, one should particularly note:
- 24/7 access making all the accounting data and bills available at hand.
- Paperless e-invoices, with an option of downloading the invoice in PDF format.
- Filing an application online. The possibility of processing the given matter with no calls and visits in the branches.
- Unlimited access to the data regarding deals, contracts, etc.; an option to download schedules and similar documents.
- Responsive Web Design Technology, ensuring easy access to the system on any chosen device (smartphone, tablet, laptop), in any place.
Leasing companies can see customers’ greater interest in remote interaction possibilities and growing expectations regarding the development of new services. As a result of those observations, the companies aim to introduce comprehensive services for all the sales and post-sales services in the online channel.
It is difficult to predict how the business will be affected by the pandemic we all have to face. Still, one thing seems certain – it is a test for the companies from different industries that will verify whether or not they are capable of providing their services in an online environment with the use of remote communication tools. The lesson from this experience will stay with us for a long time, or – who knows – it may change the way we deliver products and services offered by, among others, leasing companies. We carefully observe everything that happens around us and we will react as a provider of #LeasingOnline technology, so we could ensure the service for all dynamically changing needs of leasing companies and their customers.