The newest product released by Ailleron – robo-advisory platform automating investment processes made its successful debut during FinTech Festival in Singapore. The applause following the presentation and the great interest of bank managers confirmed that this is the perfect moment for the company’s new product – RoboWealth

Technology changes the ways in which investors obtain information and make financial decisions. Automated financial tools can lead to significant time savings and cost reduction, all while facilitating access to investment products. The robo-advisory technology is a natural choice for investors who do not have advanced knowledge about investing but have capital that they want to invest in a profitable way.

The automation of financial advisory is one of the fastest-developing trends in the fintech sector. According to a KPMG [1] report , the value of all the assets managed using automated robo-advisory tools is going to increase from 0.5 trillion USD right now to 2.2 trillion USD in 2020 – and this data concerns only the American market. It is estimated that globally, that number is going to be as high as 8 trillion USD [2].

The latest addition to Ailleron’s fintech portfolio is a technologically advanced platform that aims to revolutionize the way people invest their funds. RoboWealth streamlines and automates the investing process for an individual customer of a bank or a brokerage house, generating new income streams thanks to lowering the entry barrier for new customers. Thanks to this new solution, customers can start a new investment in just three easy steps. The system analyzes the customer’s financial situation and adapts its investment strategy, which it then implements while monitoring the results on an on-going basis. RoboWealth is a flexible solution designed with quick implementation between on-line banking and brokerage systems in mind.

The subject of robo-advisory was definitely one of the hottest topics during the FinTech Festival in Singapore. The interest in our product exceeded all of our expectations. Over the course of three days, we carried out dozens of presentations for all kinds of banks and brokers from the region, many of which are being continued now. What is a real positive here is that these institutions are open to technology delivered by independent suppliers, such as Ailleron. We are counting on the upcoming months bringing us the first international contracts for implementing the new platform, said Maciej Witkowski, RoboWealth General Manager at Ailleron SA.

For many years, Ailleron has been implementing its fintech product expansion strategy in international markets. The company’s flagship product – LiveBank – currently holds the leading position in the market and the go-to choice of banks around the world.
The extensive knowledge of the financial market and international experience allowed the company to carry out the two largest implementations of virtual branches in the world. The system is currently available in over 30 countries and the ranks of users will soon be joined by millions of customers of large banks in Russia and Sri Lanka.

The expansion of the company’s portfolio of fintech products with a new innovation, which enjoyed such immense interest during the Singapore FinTech Festival, allows us to believe that soon enough, RoboWealth will follow in the footsteps of LiveBank.

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The Ailleron Innovation Forum energized top executives with new insights and vivid expertise

The Ailleron Innovation Forum, which brought together nearly 100 curious minds in Krakow, answered many questions. The event took place in the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technique, where AIF attendees and our technology partners delved into five thematic streams related to the digital future of the financial industry in 2023 and beyond.

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