Ailleron, which is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, ended the previous year with record results, confirming the company’s growth. The company, which until recently was known under the name Wind Mobile, has increased revenues to almost 70 million PLN, with an EBITDA margin of 12 million PLN. The contracts signed by the company in 2015 will generate revenues in the upcoming years, and the products financed by the company’s IPO are among the most innovative and advanced in their categories worldwide. During a conference on 10 March the Board will present the strategic plan for the upcoming years.

“In 2015, we signed a record number of contracts, which will influence our revenues and profits in 2016 and in the upcoming years. Some of the projects are carried out using the Revenue Share model, in which the cost of implementation falls on our company, but in return Ailleron retains the right to a fair share in the contractor’s profits from sales of products based on our technologies. In 2015, we signed such agreements for the implementation of Ringback Tones for a Bulgarian telecom operator, MTel, and the New Generation Voice Mail for Plus. In the last quarter of 2015 we successfully completed the transition process for 40 IT systems at T-Mobile Polska. It was one of the key processes carried out during the year, as the completion of the project was a pre-condition for starting a 5-year maintenance period for the operator’s systems. Over the course of the next 5 years the tender, estimated to be worth approx. 100 million PLN, will be carried out along with our partner – WIPRO. We will record the first significant profits connected with this contract in 2016,” said Łukasz Juśkiewicz, Chief Financial Officer at Ailleron SA.

Signing the contract with MTel in Bulgaria opened many expansion opportunities for Ailleron SA. The contractor is a part of the Telekom Austria Group (TAG), and also provides services in Austria, Belarus, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia. The contract has opened an opportunity to serve over 23 million customers of the TAG.

“The past year was very busy due to the development of our company, as well as our flagship products. We have undergone a rebranding process, and we had our IPO at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Thanks to the funds raised in the course of the IPO we developed our flagship products and invested the money in international sales. LiveBank was well-accepted in foreign markets, which allowed us to sign a contract in Asia, namely in Malaysia and Singapore. Moreover, Q4 saw the conclusion of an implementation for Commerzbank in Germany. Sales of iLumio – a product dedicated to the hospitality industry – are also doing very well. In 2015, iLumio was implemented in 25 hotels. Overall, our product is now used in over 10,000 hotel rooms. We also strengthened our position in the medical industry by carrying out implementations of our products in hospitals. As of now, we are implementing and negotiating foreign contracts, and we will say more about them during the upcoming conference. The financial sector is also worth mentioning. In 2015 we signed record contracts for the implementation of our mobile and internet banking services,” added Rafał Styczeń, CEO of Ailleron SA.

Ailleron SA closed 2015 with sales revenues of 68.2 million PLN, which is 27% more than in the previous year. The company’s EBITDA has also increased – all four quarters of 2015 closed with 12 million PLN profit, compared to 11 million PLN in 2014. It is important to add that the results from 2015 are influenced by the fact that the company needed to cover expenses connected with the implementation of key long-term projects, such as the implementation of Ringback Tones for the Bulgarian telecom operator MTel, 3rd Generation Voice Mail for Polkomtel, a contract for the maintenance and development of systems for T-Mobile, and investments in sales of iLumio and LiveBank in foreign markets. All of these projects are a strong foundation for revenues and profits in the upcoming years.

On 10 March 2016 the Board will sum up 2015 and present its plans for the upcoming years during a press conference. The meeting for journalists, investors and stakeholders will take place in the PAP Conference Hall, and it will also be broadcast live on the Internet.

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