The first impression is the key to success in life and business. Such a trend is evident in the B2B sector, which relies on the design to attract customers and investors. Still, for many companies, creating the right set of User Experience principles is challenging. UX Design Sprint was tailored to tackle those problems – and we know exactly how to do that seamlessly, quickly, and efficiently.

Let’s start with the basics – what is a UX Design Sprint?

The Design Sprint is a method invented by GV. According to its sources, it’s “a process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers.” In reality, it is a process consisting of 5 stages, lasting for 5 days in total. They are designed to specify and respond to the needs of a given target audience. In our case, the duration of a single UX sprint may vary depending on the challenge we are about to face.

Meet the team, shape the future

The entire process of the UX design sprint should involve a variety of specialists from different backgrounds to ensure its quality and complexity. In most cases, a team working on a project on a customer’s side consists of the following:

  • A leader or a leading decision maker responsible for choosing the right direction for the operations
  • Representatives with different responsibilities (i.e., Product Owners, Analysts, Marketers, Technical Leaders).
  • Technical experts, such as programmers and testers.

The specialists working on the Provider’s side further expand the team. Those usually include:

  • A Facilitator – a specialist certified by a Design Sprint Academy with vast experience
  • UX Designers
  • Technical and Business leaders
  • Other experts in related fields, depending on the type of the project.

This diversity of participants allows for combining all the necessary competencies and points of view while keeping the team small enough to go through all the tasks effectively without problems that arise in big workgroups.

ux design sprint step 1

Every project must overcome different obstacles. The very first day of the UX Design Sprint is dedicated to defining them and finding satisfactory solutions. We usually start with the benchmarking process, reviewing solutions from the competition and inspiring designs and patterns from other industries. Once everyone has an overview of the subject, the team starts generating ideas to solve the defined problem. The key to success at this process stage is keeping things simple to ensure that all the issues can be understood in a blink of an eye.

sprint ux design step 2

On the second day of workshops, the team starts by discussing and explaining all the ideas they come up with the day before, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Once the discussion is over, the team picks the best ideas to form the basis for the final prototype. Furthermore, participants work on their own sketches to propose their vision of the solution. After that, the team discusses all the graphics and votes on the best concepts to make for the final storyboard. Thanks to those techniques, the workshops can address all the problems at once, improving the UX and laying a base for consecutive stages of the UX Design Sprint.

what is ux design sprint step 3

Having already created the storyboard and agreed on the solution, UX specialists start crafting the interactive prototype. Usually, this operation takes up to 2 days. The prototype should not focus too much on the graphics – the primary purpose of this step is to ensure the utility and quality of a given solution.

ux design sprint step 4

Once our specialists create the functional prototype, the final users can test and evaluate it. The goal is to verify whether the assumptions established during the workshops meet the users’ expectations. First, usability testing is conducted with 5 respondents using the functional prototype, following the scenario based on the storyboard. Usually, it takes from 45 to 60 minutes. Later, the test results are used as a base for implementing changes to improve the User Experience in a product.

The UX design sprint is over – and what’s next?

UX design sprint is a universal methodology that fits any type of project. In most cases, working according to those principles allows us to design UX quickly and effectively and follow customers’ expectations. If the situation requires process changes, our specialists are always happy to adapt their approach to meet the expectations. Moreover, we can carry out the process regardless of the circumstances. Therefore, your requirements are of the most significant importance to us – and we can prove it in any type of UX Design Sprint.

Even now, during these difficult times, we’re capable of running this process safely – just like with remote cooperation start, we already had a chance to go through all the steps without meeting in person and have our ways to overcome any potential obstacles.

We would love to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals and provide your clients with a breathtaking experience!

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Ailleron - UX Design Sprint – a shortcut to a success


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