• After four quarters of 2024, the Ailleron Group generated sales revenues of PLN 559.7 million, a level nearly 24% (a nominal increase of PLN 106.6 million) higher than in 2023.
  • Reported EBITDA in 2024 was PLN 83.7 million, up 67% y/y, Group operating profit was PLN 68.5 million, up 92% y/y.
  • Net profit in the reported period amounted to PLN 55.6 million, an increase of more than 2.5 times. Net profit for the parent company y/y shareholders increased almost sevenfold to PLN 24.1 million.
  • Exports accounted for 76% of realized revenues with increasing sales dynamics. Revenues from abroad increased throughout 2024 to nearly PLN 428.2 million, achieving a growth rate of more than 32%.
  • The Technology Services segment (for which the Software Mind Group is responsible) generated sales of about PLN 478.5 million in 2024, a year-on-year increase of nearly 27%. The result was positively impacted by the consolidation of Prosoft LLC (from Q2 2002). Operating profit amounted to nearly PLN 69.6 million. This means that Technology Services achieved an operating margin of around 15%.
  • The FinTech segment realized revenues of over PLN 78.9 million after four quarters of 2024, a 7% year-on-year increase. Sales in the fourth quarter of last year alone amounted to more than PLN 28.8 million, accounting for about 36% of the FinTech segment’s annual sales. The loss on operating profit amounted to PLN 1.7 million. However, in the fourth quarter of 2024 alone, the segment closed with a profit of about PLN 4.2 million, giving a profitability of about 15%.

In the fourth quarter, we surpassed a historic moment. We generated over half a billion in revenue expressed in Polish zloty in 2024, recording double-digit growth rates. Today, we are an international player with even greater ambitions. Ailleron, as well as the entire Group, is on a growth path driven by innovative technologies and global expansion, which offers substantial prospects for the future. We can confidently say that we are one of the few IT companies in Poland that have recorded such dynamic growth.

Rafał Styczeń

CEO/ Group CEO

Ailleron SA

The business situation of the Ailleron Group is very good, and the financial and liquidity situation is stable. We have a stable customer base, and most of them pay their receivables on time, which frees the company from payment bottlenecks. We record high liquidity. It is worth remembering that during the period in question, the zloty strengthened against foreign currencies – particularly the USD and EUR. Comparing the average rates taken into account for the conversion of sales in the twelve months of 2024, we have a drop of nearly 20 groszy on the USD/PLN pair (-4.7%) and over 22 groszy at EUR/PLN (-5.0%). Looking at the level of sales expressed in foreign currency, the Group shows a year-on-year increase in sales. It should also not be forgotten that starting from the second quarter of 2024, the Group consolidates the results of the U.S. company Prosoft LLC (number8), which contributed around PLN 98 million to revenues.

Tomasz Król

CFO / Group CFO

Ailleron SA

In the fourth quarter of 2024 alone, AIlleron Group had revenues of PLN 164.7 million, up 46% year-on-year. The high level of sales and high margins translated into a doubling of the EBITDA result, which amounted to PLN 22.9 million (an increase of PLN 12.8 million y/y). In the last quarter of last year, the Ailleron Group earned a net profit of PLN 21 million, translating into an almost threefold increase compared to the same quarter in 2023, when it amounted to PLN 7.2 million.

The FinTech segment realized revenues of PLN 78.9 million, an increase of 7% compared to 2023. The loss in operating profit amounted to PLN 1.7 million. However, in the fourth quarter of 2024 alone, the FinTech segment closed with an operating profit of about PLN 4.2 million, with a 15% profitability.

Today, we are a company gaining leadership in terms of competence in more and more new areas. Over the years, we have pursued a strategy of gaining experience and knowledge in AI technologies, automation and data analysis. This process has paid off, and the increasing hyper-automation and convergence of technologies in the digital economy allow us to conquer new markets. AI applications in business are estimated to be worth billions of dollars in the coming years, driving demand for AI services. Also, the growing adoption of cloud solutions, including the SaaS (Software as a Service) model, is one of the most important trends in IT. Ailleron, as well as the entire Group, is firmly rooted in these realities and is already becoming a beneficiary of these changes, which in the coming years will have an even more significant positive impact on the further development of the Company and the Group, both in the domestic market and in international operations. This is why we are working on a stronger entry with the FinTech services segment in foreign markets.

Piotr Piątosa

Vice-President / COO

Ailleron SA

The Group’s dominant business segment, both in terms of scale of operations as measured by sales and results, is Technology Services (led by the Software Mind Group). In 2024, the segment realized sales of about PLN 478.5 million, a year-on-year increase of nearly 27% (about PLN 376.9 million in 2023). The segment’s results were positively affected by the consolidation of number8 (starting in Q2 2024). On the other hand, the exchange rate’s unfavorable impact affects lower y/y revenues denominated in the Polish zloty. As a result, operating profit was close to PLN 69.6 million. This means that Technology Services w achieved an operating margin of around 15%.

We are proud of the position that Software Mind has established. The company has built its reputation by helping clients accelerate software development and more efficiently market solutions in the cloud model based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, or data science. The world needs innovative companies, and our competence allows us to stay ahead of the competition. Trends are also important. We see a significant revival in the technology market. Global digital transformation is accelerating in many sectors, such as banking, health, education and industry. As for 2025, we expect the boom to continue. Gartner forecasts that global IT spending will grow by 9.8 percent next year, which means global spending on IT services will reach $5.61 trillion in 2025.

Grzegorz Mlynarczyk


Ailleron SA

The Ailleron Group is dominated by export sales with increasing dynamics. Export sales in 2024 increased to nearly PLN 428.2 million and achieved a year-on-year dynamics of more than 32% (a nominal increase of PLN 103.1 million). The main factors influencing this trend included long-term partnerships in Europe, which expanded the Software Mind Group’s presence in North America, particularly in Silicon Valley. The ambitious growth plan results in Software Mind’s acquisition of software houses in the CEE and LATAM regions, positively affecting the geographic diversification of revenues.

Ailleron SA is a capital group listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Its subsidiary Software Mind provides software development services to innovative companies from Western Europe and the United States (including from Silicon Valley) and – under the Amplitiv brand – to the telecommunications industry. Software Mind is developed jointly with Enterprise Investors – one of the largest private equity funds in Central and Eastern Europe. Ailleron focuses on comprehensive software development services for banks, leasing companies, FinTech and other organizations, mainly in the financial industry in Europe and Southeast Asia. It creates innovative IT solutions based on cloud technology and artificial intelligence. Ailleron’s clients include banks such as CitiBank, ING, Santander, BNP Paribas, Standard Chartered and Credit Agricole. With a global reach spanning over 40 countries, the Ailleron Group serves more than 200 clients and employs a strong team of over 1,800 specialists. International markets contribute to a remarkable 75% of the Group’s revenue, demonstrating its truly global impact.

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