What is low-code technology? The term refers to platforms that enable you to create new applications in a visual editor using ready components instead of traditional coding (hence the name). It’s useful for those who wish to build apps but have no knowledge of coding. Moreover, it’s also utilised by professional developers who use no-coding platforms to save precious hours of their work that they would spend on writing code manually, line-by-line. In this article, we will explore this technology further – we invite you to read on.

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What Is Low-Code Technology? Who Is It for?

Low-code technology is a visual approach to software development, where manual coding is reduced to a minimum (this is what distinguishes it from no-code). This is achieved by using special software (low-code development platforms) that enable people with little or no coding background to create their own products.

Interestingly enough, professional developers also use low-code technology. There are quite a few reasons behind it, namely:

  • speeding up the development process – using a visual tool is simply faster,
  • enabling coders to become more flexible – they might work in such a platform despite specialising in a completely different coding language than the app they’re developing,
  • automating development and processes– most good platforms enable you to automate your workflow.

Low-Code Technology – Not as Simple as It Would Seem

Despite the seemingly simple idea of low-code development, such platforms are actually capable of handling complex, large-scale tasks. Not only can they be used to create apps but also to link all the types of software you use in your financial organisation and even integrate AI into it. At the same time, you may still use code extensions to modify your applications, so your projects will not be restricted by a given platform’s limitations.

Low-Code Development Platforms in Finance

Although most commonly used by small businesses, low-code development platforms have many other uses, including several in the finance sector, namely:

  • automating processes,
  • creating a single database to connect different channels and eliminate data silos,
  • elevating the customer experience,
  • improving your internal workflows and procedures.

All of the above can be achieved with such platforms. Let’s look at some examples of how they are used in practice.

Customer Lifecycle Management

Customer identification, verification, onboarding, and risk assessment – low-code technology may be used for the whole of the customer lifecycle management process. Its main two assets in this case are:

  • Integration – you can merge your different systems, including the one used for sales, managing customer data and eKYC into one platform.
  • Automation – you may automate customer lifecycle management, accelerating it and removing many steps from your employees’ schedules.

Building a Native Banking Application

What is a native banking application? It’s an app designed to operate on a particular device platform. Low-code technology can help you create such apps.

Creating a native banking app requires you to adjust it to the specific internal processes in your organisation. Moreover, you need to be able to implement certain functionalities predefined by the aforementioned processes or your intended end users – whether they are your employees or your customers. This means that you might need to be flexible and introduce adjustments quickly.

While low-code technology will not be as effective as a large platform developed for years with traditional means, it will give you the flexibility you need. With it, you can quickly build apps for different purposes, like managing your internal processes or providing customers with specific functionalities.

#Tip: Building apps in a low-code platform for banking has one additional benefit, a major one – when the need arises for a new type of app or functionality, you will be able to deliver it much faster than with traditional coding, hence getting an edge over your competitors and emerging as a pioneer

Work Processes Automation

A low-code banking platform will also help you optimise the digital back-office workflow within your organisation. By working with it, you will be able to overview all the processes within your bank, find bottlenecks, and identify procedures that could be automated, hence improving the productivity of your whole business.

Are you searching for low-code automation opportunities? See our digital process automation services for banks!

Loan Origination

Low-code tech is also popular in loan origination due to the simplicity of creating applications with this technology. The process is extremely simple: you use the available blocks to design a basic app where customers can enter all the documents and information required for a loan decision, and voila – your digital loan solution is ready.

Why Use Low-Code Technologies in Banking?

If knowing what low-code technology is and how it is used in banking still hasn’t convinced you, we prepared something that will – a list of benefits that come with using this technology. Why should you implement it in your organisation? Here are the main reasons.

Faster Time to Market

As mentioned several times before, whether you have a team of developers or want to create apps with people who lack technical knowledge, a low-code platform will make the whole process faster. It will also let you take advantage of trends before they die out and become a leader in terms of innovative functionalities in your digital products.

Lower Digital Product Development Costs

With less experience needed and faster delivery times, you can cut down the costs of preparing new apps, merging your digital platforms, or implementing general digitalisation in your bank. In addition, implementing automation along with a low-code development platform will enable you to boost productivity, hence reducing the costs of performing the same tasks even further.

Customer Satisfaction

With faster procedures and innovative features in your digital products, you can improve customer experience and satisfaction. This translates directly into two huge benefits for your organisation:

  • higher customer engagement,
  • lower customer churn.

Error-Free Digital Products

Another advantage of using no-code technology in banking is that it works on reliable, highly vetted code. In practice, this will help you avoid numerous errors, incompatibilities, etc., that typically occur when the code is written manually.

This is especially important when security is concerned. After all, a small error might lead to your data being compromised, which in turn may wreak your credibility in the eyes of the customers.


Ready low-code solutions are designed to scale up and down with your organisation. By implementing them, you will be able to freely adjust your digital products, services, as well as back-office apps and processes to match the current demand without the need to hire/lay off extra workforce.


Low-code technologies are a powerful aid in the digital era when creating and managing several applications required for banks to thrive. With a low-code development platform, you can create any digital product you need and save time, delivering reliable solutions much more quickly than with traditional coding. What is more, such platforms enable you to introduce automation to your workflows and procedures, improving the overall efficiency of your organisation and hence boosting its profitability. Therefore, we highly recommend utilising such platforms – it’s simply the future of digital banking.

Did you like this article? Do you need help with digital product design in your bank? Contact us at Ailleron, and let our fintech experts design a digital product tailored to your needs!

Ailleron - Low-Code Platform for Banking Applications & Solutions


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