This is one on the biggest fintech event in the region, gathering technology companies, investors, financial institutions, research institutes or innovation professional.

It will be a perfect time to discuss on how remote channels can maintain the interaction between the client and the bank, as well as introduce you our innovative approach to personal investment. 

We will present LiveBank technology success stories and RoboWealth – the innovative approach to personal investments.

The FinTech Festival will provide the opportunity for our prospective clients to find out why virtual branches are the next big thing in banking industry.

Meeting with LiveBank experts during the event

Using our experience and best market practices, we have created the RoboWealth Platform – a true breakthrough in personal finance, with the main focus on affluent customers. This is an advanced robo-advisory platform, which automates and simplifies the complex investing process.

Meeting with RoboWealth experts during the event

You are welcome to come and see the presentation “Invest like never before – can fintechs change the distribution of investment products?” by Maciej Witkowski – General Manager Wealth Products.

Cloud Open Mic Slot (Hall 1 ),15 Nov 13:30 -14:20

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AIF zainspirowało kadrę kierowniczą do nowych działań świeżym know-how i finansowymi trendami

Forum Innowacji Ailleron, które zgromadziło w Krakowie blisko 100 dociekliwych umysłów, odpowiedziało na wiele pytań. Wydarzenie odbyło się w Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej Manggha, gdzie uczestnicy AFI i nasi partnerzy technologiczni zagłębili się w pięć strumieni tematycznych związanych z cyfrową przyszłością branży finansowej w 2023 roku i później.

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